‘What Dreams Are Made Of’

Part One

For the past year, I have immersed myself in the study and exploration of motion, fluidity, colour relationships, and the diverse material aspects of acrylic paint. Often balancing the perfect and imperfect - blurring the line between reality and fantasy - by contrasting surreal abstract dreamscapes, with striking forms, spontaneous movements of colour and textural, three dimensional expressions that transcend the confines of the canvas, extending into our tangible reality.

This new and ongoing collection is a continuation of the exploration into the interplay between reality and fantasy, a boundary that frequently becomes indistinct during moments when our subconscious mind dominates.

During dreams, this part of our mind becomes more active, creating vivid and sometimes bizarre scenarios that we experience while we sleep. Speaking from personal experience, my dreams (when I can remember them), blend realistic elements with the absurd and impossible, creating a surreal juxtaposition. These dream sequences also often jump and transition abruptly and unpredictably from one scenario to another.

‘What Dreams Are Made Of’ aims to blend the realms of fantasy and reality, bringing forth these impossibilities, blurring the line between the two spaces further. It also serves as a reflection of myself and my restless nature, mirroring my desire to explore various avenues - of jumping from one thing to another - in both my dreams and creative pursuits - as this restfulness often manifests in an eagerness to try new things, new colour pairings or innovative combinations and compositions.

I’m very excited to share Part One of this collection with you, and the rest of it as it continues to progress over the coming months!

Liz x